Frequently Asked Questions

To help the Secretary and club Officers deal with increasing legislation R H Jeffs & Rowe aims to provide a comprehensive range of services for social and sporting clubs. The requirement for digital record keeping has further increased the workload for club Officers. We can help the club manage its legal and taxation obligations by providing year round support, training and updates in respect of account, audit, corporation tax, VAT including Making Tax Digital, payroll, F.C.A. annual returns and other regulatory matters affecting clubs.

The Frequency Asked Questions section of our website is client’s service which aims to provide a database of issues which affect social and sporting clubs. It is intended as a general guide only and should not be regarded as the basis for ascertaining the action to be taken in specific circumstances, in such instances a client should contact the firm to seek specific advice.

As a result of the high volume and complexities of the questions we receive through our website it is the policy of the firm not to respond to general queries or to give advice to clubs who are not our clients. We hope you understand our policy which unfortunately we have had to adopt due to the success of our club website.
No responsibility for loss occasioned by acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material on this website can be accepted.

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